MONES raised the visibility of women’s movement home and abroad. Since 2006, we have been aiming to unite women’s NGOs, groups, women’s rights activists into a movement building and we were able to support mobilization of women and their collective actions in 16 out 21 aimags (provinces) and in two remote districts of the capital city. We maintain active partnership and coohperation with women’s NGOs based in Ulaanbaatar.
Mongolian Women's Fund was established in July 2000 with the status of independent, non-profit, non-membership based public fund whose purpose is to serve the public. MONES is the first grantmaking organization that is fully dedicated to mobilizing resources and providing financial support to women’s NGOs and grassroots groups for achieving social change through empowerment of women and girls.

● Prospera, international network of women’s funds since 2003. Prospera has supported its members to develop and expand their capacity to fund and serve women and girls’ rights organizations in the Global South.
● Women Funding Network (WFN) since 2003. WFN’s powerful coalition of grantmakers, nonprofit organizations, corporations, and individuals, is addressing critical issues impacting equality and justice for all genders and, or all races.
● Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID) since 2004. AWID is a global, feminist membership, movement support organization.
● Human Rights Funders Network (NHRN) since 2007. NHRN supports funders to deepen their human rights knowledge and strengthen their grant making practice.
MONES is a member of the following international networks:
MONES joined the Global Alliance for Green and Gender Action (GAGGA) in 2016. The GAGGA is a network involving diverse women’s funds, environmental justice funds, NGOs, and women-led CBOs. They join forces to strengthen the nexus of women’s rights, climate, and environmental justice at local, national and globally.

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#903, Centrum Office 7/3, 1st Khoroo, Sukhbaatar District,
14240,Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Ulaanbaatar-46A, post box -280
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